Vinton Construction

West Layton Avenue / CTH Y City of Greenfield, Milwaukee County Wiscosnin

Milwaukee County Department of Transportation / Milwaukee County

Date Completed:

December 2021


Concrete Pavement, Underground Utilities, Earthwork & Grading

Design Engineer:

Mark Hillard, Milwaukee County DOT

Award Won:

2023 / 35th Annual ACPA Excellence in Concrete Pavement Awards

Project Summary:

The project involved converting a one-mile segment of a rural, four-lane divided highway to an urban, four-lane dvided highway with sidewalk and on-street bike accommodations from S. 43rd Street to S. 27th Street (STH 241) in Milwaukee.

Contract Amount:


Project Length:

8 Months

By the Numbers:

Project Length 4.04 mi

Total Square Yards of Paving 42,448 SY

Total Lane Miles 8.7 mi

Number of Intersections / Interchanges within Project: 9

Phases or Paving Secments Employed: 3

Baskets Paving Operation
Final Pavement
Grading Equip

About the Project

The project involvedconverting a one-mile segment of a rural, four-lane divided highway to an urban, four-lanedivided highway with sidewalk and on-street bike accommodations from S.

43rd Street to S.27th Street (STH 241). The existing 9-inch concrete pavement was in poor condition (PCIrating of 40) and several geometric updates were needed to get the road up to currentstandards. The existing pavement was replaced with 8-inch concrete pavement over 6inches of base aggregate, storm sewer was added or extended, traffic signals werereplaced, and numerous bus stops and turn lanes were added as part of the reconstruction.

There were many challenges during construction that Vinton handled in stride. A collapsedelectrical vault, approximately 8’ by 8’, was discovered during storm sewer installationwhich Vinton had to gap during mainline paving to allow the utility time to make repairs.Several other vault lids were at the top of the finished base aggregate grade, and theycould not be tracked over by any equipment because of their poor conditions. So, Vintonworked with the utility to modify their paver and then scabbed on the curb and gutter aftermainline paving. There was also significantly more unsuitable subgrade material thanindicated in the plans. Excavation below subgrade (EBS) was utilized to repair areas alongwith 30,000 SY of geogrid to keep the project moving ahead and reduce the volume of EBSremoved from the project. Vinton continued to remain on schedule with the additional workand utility delays.
There were two development projects, one at each end of the project limits, wherecoordination was vital to keep each project moving ahead. The larger development on thewest end of the project acquired several properties during construction and Vinton workedwith the developer on timing various tasks so that both projects would not experiencedelays or duplication of efforts. Plan revisions were necessary for both developments andincluded coordination and modifications to Wisconsin Department of Transportation’s(WisDOT) signals at W. Loomis Road (STH 36) and S 27th Street (STH 241). Vinton foundways to address the challenges and stay on schedule while keeping the many residentsand businesses within the corridor satisfied. Delays were minimal and progress wascontinuously being made throughout the duration of the project. Construction on the projectstarted on May 17, 2021, and was completed on December 22, 2021, five months ahead ofschedule and under budget.

Noteworthy Project Details

The following was written by the Milwaukee County DOT’s Construction Manager, LaurenJustes, and Milwaukee County DOT Engineering Project Manager, Marc Hillard, praisingVinton Construction Company for their exceptional work done in Milwaukee County:

Vinton Construction Company is one of the best contractors Milwaukee County DOThas ever worked with.

They continue to show us that they care about our projects byproviding the appropriate amount of personnel and equipment for the job and displaying ahigh level of craftsmanship in the work that they do. And what really puts them over the topis the attention they give to the people who are impacted by our projects.
They go out oftheir way to make sure businesses and residents have good and safe access to theirproperties and they do an excellent job communicating when changes occur, so disruptionsare minimized or eliminated.
That makes our projects run almost seamlessly and creates an
’everybody wins’
feeling during and after the projects are completed. Milwaukee CountyDOT is proud to recommend Vinton Construction Company for a national award, they aretruly deserving for the work they did on the W. Layton Avenue (CTH Y) project.

Seamless Integration: Vinton efficiently incorporated Stage 3 work within Stages 1and 2, showcasing their coordination and integration capabilities.
Project Scope:
The comprehensive scope of work included concrete pavementremoval, grading, aggregate base, concrete curb and gutter, storm sewer, sidewalk,traffic signals at S. 35th Street, signing and pavement marking, landscaping, andother necessary elements as part of the Local Roads Improvement Program.
Vinton's project management expertise:Dedicated On-site Project Manager: Vinton ensured the presence of a projectmanager overseeing daily operations, ensuring smooth progress throughout theproject.
Effective Subcontractor Coordination: Vinton provided ample notice tosubcontractors regarding work availability, ensuring their prompt on-site presencewhen needed.
Concurrent Task Organization:
Vinton organized tasks in a manner that enabledtheir completion concurrently, optimizing resource utilization and streamlining theproject timeline.
Successful schedule management and communication:
Expedited Completion: Through exceptional project management, Vinton completedthe project a remarkable five months ahead of schedule, a testament to theirefficiency.
Concrete Paving Schedule:
The contractor provided an initial schedule for concretepaving, emphasizing its importance for the overall project timeline.
Open Communication:
Vinton maintained open communication with the project staff,subcontractors, and the Milwaukee County Department of Transportation (MCDOT),providing timely updates and notices regarding concrete operations on a weekly anddaily basis.
Positive impact on project timeline:
Early Paving Operations:
By starting the paving operations ahead of schedule,Vinton provided additional lead time for remaining work, resulting in an expedited startfor ancillary operations such as concrete, landscaping, and electrical installation.
Smooth Workflow:
Vinton's meticulous planning and communication allowed allentities involved to prepare and schedule corresponding work without any issues,contributing to a smooth workflow and minimized delays.